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УДК 657 (075.8)

Голубничая Г.П., Севрюков С.А.


Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка


The experience of adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards in Ukraine is studied. A critical review of the positive sides and methodological problems of organizational, personnel and ethical character is made. Theoretical propositions, conclusions and offers of practical orientation on the features of IFRS adoption in Ukraine are stated.

Key words: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the experience of adoption of IFRS, IFRS adoption issues, the advantages of financial reporting under IFRS.

В данном докладе исследуется опыт внедрения Международных стандартов финансовой отчетности в Украине. Сделано критический обзор положительных сторон и проблем методологического, организационного, кадрового и этического характера. Сформированы теоретические положения, выводы и предложения практической направленности применительно к особенностям внедрения МСФО в Украине.

Ключевые слова: Международные стандарты финансовой отчетности (МСФО), опыт внедрения МСФО, проблемы внедрения МСФО, преимущества составления финансовой отчетности по МСФО.

The acceleration of economic reforms in Ukraine was made ​​possible by a set of measures, among them a prominent place is designated for stabilization and sustainable economic development. But further development of the country's economy is considered in close relationship with the processes of reformation of accounting and financial reporting. The case in question is adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS. The adoption of IFRS in Ukraine makes it possible to make transparent the activities of all market participants through formation of reliable, accurate and unbiased information in all forms of financial reporting.

It should be noted that International Financial Reporting Standards are standards exclusively reporting that is to say the final phase of accounting work. They do not make any special demands for accounting and users can choose any available way to get companies reports under IFRS [5].

Studying the experience of application of IFRS by big companies of Ukraine allows identifying the positive aspects of application of IFRS both for entities that prepare financial statements, and for external users:

  • possibility of obtaining qualitative information for management decisions;
  • ensure comparability of reports of entities, regardless of their residency and their territory of business activity;
  • opportunity to attract foreign investments and loans, as well as the foreign markets entry;
  • prestige, increased competitiveness, greater confidence among potential partners;
  • reliability of the information for the most part;
  • transparency of information provided by adhering to the principles of its formulation, as well as numerous explanations under reports.

Thus, the advantages of preparing financial statements according to international standards really exist and they are irrefutable for most users of financial statements. IFRS can be regarded as an instrument of economic globalization and world economic relations. The principles laid down in order of reporting under IFRS make it more adequate and able to reflect the true financial condition of the company, results of its operations, cash flows and changes in equity. In this regard, the value of IFRS is important not only for foreign but also for domestic investors as well. This once again confirms the necessity and usefulness of the adoption process of IFRS for corporate and public sectors of economy of Ukraine.

In return, the application of IFRS is to become one of the factors improving corporate governance, development and adoption of codes of ethics by joint stock companies [9].

Experience shows that in the process of preparing financial statements according to international standards for the first time the companies’ management and accounting services may face a range of problems of methodological (complexity of certain standards, methods of transformation of financial reports and audit procedures, the need for technical expertise translation), legislative and regulatory (legal regulation, institutional issues), organizational (policies, programs and schedules for implementation), personnel (lack of fill skilled professionals who can understand and apply IFRS), ethical, educational and preparatory (education and training of staff) character. [7]

The results of the analysis of quality of accounting and analytical information that provides financial statements, the most strength of financial reporting is to provide users with reliable information. Therefore, for the purposes of research trends of development in the quality characteristics of accounting and analytical information can be recommended to introduce them to the basic classification (more stable, relatively permanent) and variables. In modern terms it is necessary to review the composition and qualitative characteristics of information primarily to identify those of them whose quality should be raised first. These characteristics include comparability, controllability, timeliness, clarity. Improvement of the quality of information can be provided on the basis of fundamental qualitative characteristics such as truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, neutrality, formed on the basic principles of assignment and disclosure of accounting and analytical information in the financial statements.

In its economic substance financial reporting is a commodity on market of business information, for which appear certain economic relations and there are emerging economic interests of certain groups of users. In the process of improving the existing financial reporting forms the main criterion for classification of information users is division on their direct users (potential equity investors, lenders and other providers of capital) and indirect (third party). Recent changes in the financial statements also consider the interests of third parties from the standpoint of its information capabilities to make more detailed and qualitative analysis of performance reporting. Financial reporting provides information about the features of resources owned by the company, results of operations and changes of these resources and financial performance using certain requirements, which allows interested parties to disclose and analyze accounting information. The economic essence of the financial statements is disclosed by its functions: informational, evaluative, prognostic, monitoring, analytical, function of ensuring of competitiveness, transparency of economic activity, stabilizing. Substance of informational function as for accounting and financial reporting is to provide users with information support. Research of the features of the informational needs of users in the last 10 years allows stating the following. First, the informational needs volumes have significantly increased, and secondly, complexity of the information has increased. The basic forms of information support have changed under the influence of the environment. Thus, the result of applying IAS and IFRS was the formation of a gradual transition from the priorities of accounting and analytical information to the priority of the Accounting and financial information when making economic decisions by business entities in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the present direction of development of accounting information did not become dominant, since the financial crisis has significantly affected the quality of disclosure of accounting and financial indicators of financial reporting. First of all practitioners questioned the reliability of accounting and analytical information under crisis conditions. The sharp need to develop methods of disclosure of accounting information based on non-financial indicators has arisen.

The study makes it possible to form the following theoretical propositions, conclusions and suggestions of practical orientation. Firstly, there is a need for fundamental and systemic changes in the financial statements of the Ukrainian enterprises. International experience confirms that under the influence of the financial crisis intensified debate about the nature of most changes (evolutionary and gradual or radical). At the same time the optimization process of accounting and analytical information in the financial statements in Ukraine is related to the need to take into account the demands of the Tax Code of Ukraine concerning information support of users. Secondly, it is necessary to differentiate changes in the qualitative and quantitative indicators of financial statements to achieve the optimal level to improve financial reporting that is specific accounting information and analytical models, and changes in the provision of accounting and analytical information in the way of providing users with financial reporting, financial statements, business reporting, non-financial reporting. Modern problems of further development of financial reporting are more related to the second direction, it means changes in the companies’ accounting and analytical information to the main user groups: investors, creditors, regulatory agencies, auditors. In this connection it is required to pay more attention to improving the legal and regulatory framework of processes and mechanisms of financial statements of Ukrainian companies to users. Also, specific form of financial statements – accounting-information model in our opinion should be considered in the broad sense of the term, that means accounting and analytical information model should be considered as an effective model of treatment of generalized special methods of accounting, accounting reporting, and methods of economic analysis.



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Секции-октябрь 2011
  • "Научные исследования и их практическое применение. Современное состояние и пути развития.'2011"
  • Дата: Октябрь 2011 года
  • Проведение: www.sworld.com.ua
  • Рабочие языки: Украинский, Русский, Английский.
  • Председатель: Доктор технических наук, проф.Шибаев А.Г.
  • Тех.менеджмент: к.т.н. Куприенко С.В., Федорова А.Д.

  • Сборник научных трудов SWorld по материалам международной научно-практической конференции.