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Нестеренко Н.А.

Физическая подготовленность юных баскетболистов 13-14 лет с учетом игрового амплуа

Днепропетровский государственный институт физической культуры и спорта, Украина, 49094, г. Днепропетровск, ул. Набережная Победы, 10.


Natalya Nesterenko    

        Physical training of young basketball players 13-14 years of different game role

Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports

Studies have shown that the level of physical training of basketball players are quite diverse depending on the athlete's game role, where the lowest results for most indicators show centering players because of their high morphological parameters. Due to the fact that the modern basketball dictates universalization, where each competitor must be able to perform the function of any player on the level of certain situations, prior to this study there was a need for the scientific and methodological basis of differentiated training players, primarily in terms of their physical training.

Keywords: sports training, physical training, technical training, role playing, the central player.